Ghanaian model Nana Akua Addo steals the show at the Africa Magic Viewers’ Choice Awards 2020. The actress and style icon wore a dress by fashion designer Gaurav Gupta. Nana looks like a true African goddess on the red carpet of the #AMVCA hosted in Nigeria.
Nana Akua Addo Sizzles In Sculpted Designer Gown By Gaurav Gupta
The fashion icon has got her fans and those following the hashtag #amvca talking across social media. Her sculpted designer gown with sheer and cut-out details has certainly won her new followers. We can’t help but love her hourglass figure and infinite lines architecturally defining her curves in many ways.
Take a fashionable stare at the breathtaking pictures of Akua Addo below and tell us what you think.
Without a doubt, this look will be iconic forever in the history of African fashion shows.
This dress is breath talking !×
You can say that again