Have you ever considered a buzz or a bald haircut? That is cutting your hair off completely? If you need some inspiration, then read on.

Traditionally, African cultures consider a woman with a bald or buzz cut as having religious and cultural significance. Meanwhile, many African schools mandate that girls cut their hair so that they can focus on their studies. Supposedly, hair upkeep could be a distraction hence girls are required to cut their hair. Likewise, in many African cultures, women mourn their husbands and fathers by shaving their heads as a sign of respect.

The bald haircut is low maintenance

However, today, the rationale for rocking the buzz or bald haircut is completely different. Apparently, it is more fashionable than practical and more trendy than cultural. It is considered powerful, bold, fearless and chic. Moreover, many women rock the bald or buzz cut as a cost-effective and low maintenance hairstyle. Why not? It’s so simple to maintain. Usually, it is wash-and-go.

Movies: Coming to America and Black Panther

A lot of this shift in mindset should be credited to Hollywood. Outside of Eddie Murphy’s classic “Coming to America” in 1988, movies portraying African culture in a positive and respectful manner have been rare. However, that ended 30 years later in 2018 with the chart-topping “Black Panther”. 39-year-old, Zimbabwean-born Danai Gurira was phenomenal. She rocked the bald haircut for her role as Okoye and made it the new fashion trend.

Styling options for the bald haircut

Certainly, get a buzz or bald haircut. I will tell you from personal experience that it is liberating! What’s more, you can style it however you want. Try a part, surgical line, any kind of fade and you are in for a killer look. Besides, you can also dye your hair with any color of choice or make sure to rock some statement jewelry. Ultimately, the buzz or bald haircut is the perfect canvass for bold and elaborate makeup. By all means, get creative and be daring! If you are thinking about it then certainly chop off your hair and rock your own bald haircut!

Buzz haircut
Buzz haircut with surgical line
Buzz haircut
Buzz haircut
Mocha-dyed buzz haircut
Mocha-dyed buzz haircut
Blonde-dyed buzz haircut
Blonde-dyed buzz haircut
Buzz haircut with statement earrings
Buzz haircut with statement earrings
Buzz haircut with statement necklace
Statement African necklace
Buzz haircut with bold makeup
Blonde-dyed buzz haircut with bold makeup

Danai Gurira
Danai Gurira

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